Improve Norwich Now

Removing barriers and providing supports, so all community members can reach their full potential.

It is time for those with the ability to truly take action and enable others to do the same. With elected community leaders, law enforcement and the judicial system, successful businesses, people-oriented agencies, committed volunteers, and well-intentioned bystanders, we are blessed with the pool of resources needed to make a difference.

Jen WesterveltPastor of cvfree Free Methodist Church, Co-Founder of I.N.N.

Fostering Futures NYCC

Aunt Mary’s House


With your help, we will Improve Norwich Now...

Motivated by a desire to strengthen our community, co-founders, Pastor Jen Westervelt and Brandon Clarke, have sparked this initiative to focus on removing barriers and providing supports.  With proper assistance and cohesion of resources, it is not unrealistic to believe a community member facing significant challenges could overcome those struggles and reach his/her full potential.  In our opinion, he/she could even have the opportunity to mentor others to achieve success. 

Both Norwich natives, co-founders Jen and Brandon, initially left the area to pursue education and employment opportunities.  Jen’s first career as a public school English teacher, and Brandon’s as a U.S. Marine, as well as their current professions of pastoring and policing, have equipped them to lead the effort to Improve Norwich Now.  Ultimately, Chenango County is home, and this team is committed to achieving success.

Discover Norwich

Privately Funded

We operate with private funds, allowing us to ensure that every dollar is invested back into Chenango County.

Home-Grown Mentors

Our mentors are exhaustively vetted and trained members of the community that are dedicated to resource those in need.

Dedicated Team

Community members of Improve Norwich Now meet once a month to take a deep dive into the highest priority issues in the area, think-tank format.

Results-Driven Board

Ideas generated by community members of Improve Norwich Now are prioritized and planned out by a team that is dedicated to enriching Norwich and Chenango County.

Ready to get involved and to be “all I.N.N.”?